-25% off course bundles with the code BLOOM25!

The recent update of the SuperMemo.com service includes the option to publish your own courses.

Once your course is published, it is available for all SuperMemo.com users free of charge and can be easily accessed via our course catalogue in the “Published by Users” tab.

When you are ready with the content of your course (click here to read and see how to create your own courses), go to Settings in the Editor and click on the “Course properties” icon:

Course editor - flashcard

In the pop-up window that will appear, you will see several fields to fill out:

Course editor - settings
  • author (your login will appear there automatically, but you are free to change it)
  • tags (give the key words that describe the content of your course, e.g. Spanish etc.; these will be helpful for searches in our course catalogue)
  • description (add a short description to tell other users what your course is about and why it is worth signing up for it)
  • course photo (choose a photo that will serve as the cover of your course and will be displayed in the course catalogue and then on “My learning” lists of all the users who sign up for it)

When you are ready will all the information, tick the “Publish this course” box and click OK. Please wait a few moments when we process the information and add your course to the SuperMemo.com users’ courses catalogue.

We hope you will enjoy creating your own courses and sharing them with the SuperMemo.com audience!

Alicja Jankowiak