What is the SuperMemo method?

By the late 1980s, SuperMemo became a pioneer in applying the spaced repetition method in computer-assisted learning. This algorithm optimizes the memorization process by individually adjusting the repetition schedule to the user's learning pace. As a result, you review material exactly when it is most effective for your memory, avoiding unnecessary repetition of already well-known content.

Repetitions in SuperMemo are scheduled based on a unique algorithm that takes into account the results of previous learning sessions. If the answer is correct and easy to recall, subsequent reviews will be spaced further apart. If, on the other hand, the answer is difficult, the system will suggest an earlier review of the material. This way, SuperMemo dynamically adjusts the learning schedule to your individual memorization pace and the difficulty level of the material.

We are developing the only original SuperMemo method to make language learning even easier. Additionally, the basic version of the algorithm has been publicly released, so others can build upon it to create their own learning programs.

With the original and continually updated SuperMemo method, you will learn the language:

  • quickly – we help you minimize the time needed to consolidate knowledge
  • effectively – you remember the information you learn and forget about forgetting once and for all!

SuperMemo not only supports effective memorization but also adapts to your individual needs, allowing you to learn on your own terms.