-25% off course bundles with the code BLOOM25!

Choose Premium Subscription

Learn faster and more effectively!
30 days free

Premium subscription

35.99 PLN/month

  • Start learning for free during the first month.
  • Choose from 25 languages and explore nearly 300 courses at every level, from A1 to C2.
  • Practice real conversations without limits in MemoChat, powered by AI.
  • Make full use of AI Assistant, who helps you at any moment of your learning process.
  • Translate any number of words and sentences with MemoTranslator.
  • Create your own vocabulary courses – up to 100 courses with 10,000 expressions each.
  • The subscription renews automatically, ensuring you uninterrupted access to learning.

Annual Premium Access

359.00 PLN/year

  • Learn for less – 12 months of learning for the price of 10.
  • Gain full access to all the benefits Premium subscription offers.
  • Pay upfront for the whole year with no need to add a credit card.
  • Extend your access after a year and continue learning without interruptions.

Compare Premium Subscription with Course Purchase

Premium Subscription
35.99 PLN/month or 359.00 PLN/year

  • Gain full access to all 300 courses and learn at any level, from A1 to C2.
  • Enjoy unlimited access to all 61 interactive dialogues in MemoChat, along with AI Assistant and MemoTranslator support.
  • Create your own language courses – up to a million words.
  • Take advantage of four times more space for multimedia to personalize your learning experience.

One-Time Course Purchase
One course starting from 49.00 PLN

  • Get lifetime access to the selected course.
  • Learn from all lessons in the purchased course.
  • Practice your conversation skills with two dialogues per day in MemoChat.
  • Enjoy limited access to the AI Assistant and MemoTranslator.
  • Create courses with up to 10,000 words and add your own multimedia to better tailor your learning experience.

Learn the way you like

Use your SuperMemo account on any number of devices – on Android, iOS, or a computer. Learn one or several of the 25 available languages by choosing from 300 courses in vocabulary, grammar, or comprehensive learning programs. Reinforce your knowledge and remember it longer thanks to intelligent repetitions. Stay motivated by using tools like statistics, progress summaries, and the ranking that will help you learn quickly and efficiently.

SuperMemo - Memochat rozmowa w hotelu

AI assistance in language learning

Discover MemoChat – interactive dialogues powered by AI that help you develop your speaking skills naturally. Practice real conversations on topics of your choice, gain confidence, and improve your pronunciation. MemoChat is your new way to communicate fluently in a foreign language.
While learning in SuperMemo courses, the AI Assistant will help you understand grammar, provide translations, and examples of usage. In the MemoTranslator, you can quickly translate words or sentences and then add them to your own course, creating MemoCards for further study in the app.