Sprachführer Französisch - Das wesentliche für die Reise
Course level:
BasicCourse level:
BasicAvailable platforms:
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Language of instruction:
Preparatory language course for a holiday or business trip abroad.
What will you learn in the course French Language Guide – Essentials for Travel?
After mastering the content of the course, you will be able to communicate on the following topics:
- Basics
- Travel
- Accommodation
- Food and Drink
- Eating Out
- Meeting People
- Shopping and Services
- Clothing and Shoes
- Tourism
- Health
- Problems
- Signs
The English version is here:
French Phrasebook: Essentials for Travel
The advantages of the course:
- you will receive 3000 ready-to-use sentences, expressions, and words that are essential for everyday communication
- the course’s audio recordings – all spoken by native speakers – will help you improve your listening comprehension and get used to the correct pronunciation in French
- you will learn authentic phrases and expressions that you will actually hear or need to say on your trip
- the SuperMemo algorithm integrated into the course accelerates learning and makes it extremely effective. You will master essential expressions that you will find useful on your trip much faster than with conventional methods!
Premium Subscription
9.90 EUR
/monthly- The first month of learning for free
- You gain access to all courses
- You take full advantage of AI features
19.90 EUR
one-time- You only pay for the selected course
- You receive lifetime access to the course
- You use limited AI features
Premium Annual Access
99.00 EUR
/year- 12 months of learning for the price of 10
- You gain access to all courses
- You take full advantage of AI features