A1 - C1

Polski. Bez problemu! Wszystkie poziomy A1-C1

Course level: 

Advanced, Basic, Intermediate

Course level: 

Advanced, Basic, Intermediate

Available platforms:


Total pages: 



Academia Polonica dr Ewy Masłowskiej w składzie: Marzena Jasnos, Ewa Masłowska (redaktor naukowy), Agnieszka Pabiańczyk, Marzena Suska, Anna Tokarska

Language of instruction:


Comprehensive Polish language course bundle for English speakers

“Polish. No Problem!” is a comprehensive Polish language course series for English-speaking individuals who want to learn Polish at a basic level or refresh their minimal knowledge. No prior knowledge is required to begin learning.

The SuperMemo method ensures an optimal pace of repetition for everyone. The course also includes grammatical sections with clear and specific explanations from the authors, supplemented by a series of exercises and consolidation tasks. All course material is recorded by native speakers of Polish, allowing for improved pronunciation in addition to the written language.
After mastering the course content, you will become a user of the language. You will be able to create simple statements in Polish that will be useful in everyday situations. This will allow you to better understand and integrate with the Polish environment. Communication will take place mainly through colloquial expressions and basic vocabulary. You will also be able to have a conversation with native speakers of Polish, provided they speak slowly and clearly. Writing skills will be based on short sentences and popular expressions.

Premium Subscription

9.90 EUR
  • The first month of learning for free
  • You gain access to all courses
  • You take full advantage of AI features


99.90 EUR
  • You only pay for the selected course
  • You receive lifetime access to the course
  • You use limited AI features

Premium Annual Access

99.00 EUR
  • 12 months of learning for the price of 10
  • You gain access to all courses
  • You take full advantage of AI features