Hello! Português - Basic Portuguese Phrases in 2 Months A1
Hello! Português - Basic Portuguese Phrases in 2 Months

Hello! Portuguese

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Natalia Wajda

Language of instruction:

Chinese, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian

Basics of Portuguese in images, useful expressions and phrases from everyday life.

Learn the basics of Portuguese – and remember them quickly and effectively! Hello! Português is the perfect offer for you if you are looking for Portuguese lessons from scratch. This Portuguese course for beginners will task you to learn every day for several minutes, and in less than 2 months you will have mastered over 500 of the most useful Portuguese phrases.

The SuperMemo method, known and used by thousands of people, will help to ensure the effectiveness of your learning, and will create the most optimal study and revision schedule for you.

While working with Hello! Português, you will complete pictorial exercises that will help you understand the context and enable faster visual memorization. The material will allow you to learn the basic Portuguese phrases necessary to communicate in this language, for example during holiday trips. In the course you will find the 51 most common communication situations.

All of the basic phrases in Portuguese have been recorded by native Portuguese speakers, thanks to which you will learn the proper pronunciation of words from the very beginning. Speech Recognition will also allow you to practice it. Our method of learning, based on pictures and sounds, means that there is no need to translate the phrases into your own language. You will create the correct associations and master the basics of Portuguese faster. From the very beginning, you will start to think and speak in this language!

After finishing Hello! Português, you will be able to cope with communication related to:

  • Unit 1: airport check-ins and flights, conversations with fellow passengers, lost luggage.
  • Unit 2: checking in to your hotel, getting around a city by taxi and public transport, organizing accommodation, meals in a restaurant.
  • Unit 3: talking about interests and free time, social gatherings, exhibitions, cycling, picnics.
  • Unit 4: health problems, unexpected payments, running out of fuel, problems with your car, thefts.
  • Unit 5: preparations for trips, sunbathing, diving, excursions.

The course contains basic Portuguese phrases connected to topics such as:

  • everyday items
  • food
  • important places in the city
  • city transport
  • numbers
  • feelings and health
  • hotel rooms
  • weather conditions
  • nationalities
  • family and relatives
  • cosmetics
  • colours
  • physical activity
  • days of the week
  • human body
  • professions
  • physical appearances.

Premium Subscription

9.90 USD
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  • You gain access to all courses
  • You take full advantage of AI features


24.90 USD
  • You only pay for the selected course
  • You receive lifetime access to the course
  • You use limited AI features

Premium Annual Access

99.00 USD
  • 12 months of learning for the price of 10
  • You gain access to all courses
  • You take full advantage of AI features