Hello! French
Course level:
BasicCourse level:
BasicAvailable platforms:
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Language of instruction:
Chinese, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian
Basics of French in images, useful expressions and phrases from everyday life.
Learn basic French language instantly and remember it forever! Hello! Français is a course of French for beginners who would like to make fast progress. In 2 months you will master over 500 common French phrases, and thanks to the renowned SuperMemo method, which optimizes repetitions, you will learn effectively.
Hello! Français is based around pictures prepared especially for learning. You acquire new words and phrases by doing various exercises in which you learn the basic French language necessary during foreign trips. The pictures make learning not only pleasant but also possible without translation. In the French course for beginners, you will find 51 of the communication situations which are most needed during contacts with French speakers.
All basic French phrases are linked to recordings of French native speakers so that you will hear the correct, natural pronunciations. You can also train this aspect by using the speech recognition function. Thanks to the fact that learning is based on your eyesight and hearing, you will stimulate your imagination and build more lasting associations, which will make you simply remember better! From the very beginning, you will be able to think and speak in French.
Hello! Français is a newer version of the OK! Français course, which has been complemented with translations and enriched with some new photos.
After finishing your work with the Hello! Français course you will be able to handle situations such as:
- Unit 1: checking in at an airport, listening to announcements on a plane, buying in-flight snacks, making conversation with co-passengers, getting back your lost luggage.
- Unit 2: getting to your hotel, travelling on public transport, booking hotel rooms, ordering food in a restaurant.
- Unit 3: describing interests and pastimes, hanging out with people, visiting a museum, going for a bicycle ride, picnicking.
- Unit 4: buying things in a pharmacy, paying for a parking ticket, solving problems with your car, reporting thefts.
- Unit 5: packing bags for the day, enjoying beach activities, going scuba diving, going on excursions.
You will learn basic French expressions in topic areas such as:
- everyday objects
- food and drinks
- nationalities
- jobs
- family
- places
- means of transport
- cosmetics
- numbers
- colours
- hotel rooms
- sports
- days of the week
- human body
- illness and well-being
- personal characteristics
- weather.
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Premium Annual Access
- 12 months of learning for the price of 10
- You gain access to all courses
- You take full advantage of AI features