Idiomy i rekcja. Niemiecki
Course level:
Advanced, IntermediateCourse level:
Advanced, IntermediateAvailable platforms:
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Language of instruction:
German Idioms and Verb Conjugations Uncovered!
The course “Idioms and Conjugation. German – online, offline, anytime you want (intermediate level B1-B2, advanced C1)” is the best aid for intensive language learning. With this course, you will learn the most important expressions that we don’t translate literally, and the SuperMemo intelligent repetition method will ensure you remember them forever.
We present you with an electronic textbook for learning German idioms and verb conjugations, containing definitions, Polish translations, and usage examples. Complementing the material are two multimedia courses: Deutsch. Redewendungen and Deutsch. Rektion, with which you will master up to 2500 such expressions. You can access these courses on the modern SuperMemo.com platform, connected with SuperMemo applications for Android, iOS, and Windows computers. MP3 recordings, included for listening practice, will also help you get accustomed to the pronunciation, for example, while driving or during physical activities.
Courses included in the set:
Premium Subscription
- The first month of learning for free
- You gain access to all courses
- You take full advantage of AI features
- You only pay for the selected course
- You receive lifetime access to the course
- You use limited AI features
Premium Annual Access
- 12 months of learning for the price of 10
- You gain access to all courses
- You take full advantage of AI features