The Fast Track series: Communicate with ease
Are you looking for a course that will teach you the basics and prepare you for elementary communication with native speakers? Would you like to learn...
Are you looking for a course that will teach you the basics and prepare you for elementary communication with native speakers? Would you like to learn...
The Repeat mode is getting more and more attention from our users. Here are some more questions that we have been asked. We hope that our...
We have just been asked by one of our users about ready-made flashcards to learn French: Would be nice to have ready-made flashcards with audio and English...
One of our users who joined the service recently has addressed us with questions about the repetition process and the buttons that SuperMemo...
For our dedicated SuperMemo users, it may be in their blood to go through repetitions ordered according to the length of intervals. This means that basically...
As announced previously, SuperMemo was present at BookExpo America 2016 on May 11-13 in Chicago, US, among delegates representing Poland at BEA Global...
SuperMemo will be representing Poland at BookExpo America on May 11-13 in Chicago, US. The exhibition will take place at McCormick Place in South Loop...
London, Los Angeles, Cannes, Philadelphia, Dubai, Las Vegas: to some these cities are just spots on the map, but for us in SuperMemo they stand for much...
“Fabulous Las Vegas” – that’s the sign awaiting every visitor entering this Nevada city. For Olive Green, it proved fabulous indeed. On the night...
The recent update of the service includes the option to publish your own courses.
A night like the one Olive Green let us experience on April 12th during The London Book Fair International Excellence Awards ceremony is a night to re...
Every year in April, spring begins with the London Book Fair, a global marketplace for rights negotiation and the sale and distribution of content across...