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Olive Green wins the hearts of the GESS jury in Dubai!

english course

Olive Green is going to Dubai, United Arab Emirates! Our project has been nominated for the international GESS Education Awards in the Best Paid for ICT / App Product category.

This time the nomination encompasses both the online service, apps and the blended-learning programme for schools and group learning based on these.

Global Educational Supplies & Solutions (GESS in short) is an educational exhibition taking place in Dubai. It serves as a point of contact between providers of educational solutions and teachers and schools in the Middle East. In 2016, the GESS event will be held on March 1-3 in Dubai World Trade Centre.

“The awards will highlight and reward the quality and diversity of educational products, resources, services and people as well as the best educational establishments and the most dedicated members of the teaching profession. The GEA aims to encourage the raising of educational services & product standards throughout the industry and aims to be recognised throughout the sector as the accolade of excellence,” GESS organizers explain.

Creators of the best educational solutions will collect their awards at a gala dinner on March 2, 2016. Please keep your fingers crossed for Olive! A representative of SuperMemo, Ms Małgorzata Śmigielska, Blended Learning Manager, will be attending the event in Dubai. Do not hesitate to contact Małgorzata at school@supermemo.com if you are interested in the product i.e. for licensing.

The complete list of finalists is available at www.gessawards.com.

Alicja Jankowiak