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Learn foreign languages with the help of artificial intelligence

Technologies based on artificial intelligence are revolutionizing many areas of life. It’s no wonder the term “artificial intelligence” was chosen as the word of the year for 2023 in Poland. However, it’s easy to get lost in the flood of emerging tools and ways to use AI, especially if you haven’t used similar solutions before. In this article, we will explore the role of artificial intelligence in foreign language learning and propose several solutions that will significantly facilitate learning a new language.

The role of artificial intelligence in language learning

The ability to speak several foreign languages is not only an asset but often also a requirement in professional life or while traveling. However, learning foreign languages is associated with a time-consuming activity that requires a lot of commitment. That is why tools that support this process, such as the SuperMemo app, are starting to play a key role. Moreover, with the rapid development of artificial intelligence, the ways in which we acquire new linguistic skills are undergoing a revolution.

Traditional methods of learning foreign languages often assumed a uniform, static form of learning, for example, in accordance with a specific textbook, which did not always meet individual needs and the pace of absorbing new information by a person. Thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, it is possible to instantly adapt to the user, tailor to their interests, and their way of learning. Machine learning algorithms analyze user progress and automatically adjust the material and pace of learning, ensuring optimal conditions for effective knowledge acquisition.

How does artificial intelligence help in learning foreign languages?

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the way we learn foreign languages by offering innovative tools and methods that adapt to the individual needs and abilities of the user. Above all, artificial intelligence enables interactive learning that easily engages the user in practicing a variety of skills, such as pronunciation, listening, or writing. It also offers many additional options, such as instant feedback, error correction, and hints. As a result, learning becomes more effective, personalized, and enjoyable.

AI Features in SuperMemo SuperMemo is one of the leading foreign language learning apps that utilizes advanced artificial intelligence technologies to provide users with effective and efficient learning. The AI-based features offered by SuperMemo make the learning process more interactive and tailored to the user’s needs than ever before.

What AI technology-based features can you find in SuperMemo?

  • AI Assistant – This feature on the website can explain concepts, provide sentence examples in a specific grammatical tense or with a given word, translate sentences, and clarify errors in tasks, among other things. You can read more about the AI Assistant here.
  • MemoChat – This function allows for practicing natural conversations in any language across three levels of proficiency. Additional options include instant translations, response suggestions, error correction, and feedback after the conversation ends. Moreover, you can save up to 10 words and phrases in your MemoCards from each dialogue. Users can choose from 60 dialogue topics. Try MemoChat.
  • MemoTranslator – Thanks to this feature, you can translate sentences or even entire conversations. Simply choose from dozens of foreign languages, then type or record your statement. You will receive an instant translation, which you can also listen to. New words and expressions can be easily added to your MemoCards. Read an article about the MemoTranslator.

The AI features in SuperMemo make learning foreign languages more effective, personalized, and accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of proficiency or individual preferences. By utilizing the latest technological achievements, this app allows users to learn languages without obstacles such as needing to use multiple sources of knowledge or several apps at once, and faster than ever before.

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