English Language Certificate: How to Prepare and Which Exam to Choose?

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An English language certificate can open many doors in your professional and educational life. However, it is important to choose the right exam that best suits your needs and to prepare for it effectively.

How to choose the right certificate?

There are several popular English exams, or exams in which English proficiency is a significant component. Each of them has its unique features and usefulness in specific situations:

Cambridge English Exams (FCE, CAE, CPE):

These certificates are recognized worldwide and assess levels from B2 to C2. The FCE (also known as B2 First) is a popular choice for people who want to confirm their skills at an intermediate level, while CAE (C1) and CPE (C2) are aimed at more advanced users of the language.


This is one of the most popular exams, especially for those planning to study abroad. IELTS offers two versions: Academic (for those planning to study) and General Training (for those who want to emigrate or work). The result is presented on a scale from 1 to 9.


Often chosen by people planning to study in the USA. TOEFL tests all four language skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The result is presented in points, with a maximum score of 120.


Aimed at people who want to prove their language skills in a professional context. It is often required by international companies.


Also known as A2 Key, it is a Cambridge English certificate at the elementary level. It is ideal for people starting to learn English. The exam assesses the ability to communicate in simple, everyday situations at the A2 level.


Also known as B1 Preliminary, it is a Cambridge English certificate at the intermediate level. It is intended for people who can communicate in everyday situations, both in speech and writing. The exam assesses the ability to understand the main points of conversations and communicate freely in English at the B1 level.

YLE (Young Learners English):

This is a series of Cambridge exams designed for school-age children. It consists of three levels: Starters, Movers, and Flyers, corresponding to levels from pre-A1 to A2. These exams introduce young learners to the world of language certificates, assessing skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in a way that is appropriate for their age and level of advancement.


This exam is mainly used in MBA and business program admissions. It tests analytical, verbal, and quantitative skills.


Required by many higher education institutions, especially in the USA. It tests critical thinking, reading comprehension, and mathematical skills.


A popular exam used in college admissions in the USA. It assesses language, math, and writing skills.

Check out SuperMemo courses that can help you prepare for an English exam.

How to prepare for the exam?

  1. Assess your level: Before starting your study, it’s worth checking and assessing your current skills. This will allow you to focus on areas that need improvement. Placement tests, such as those available in SuperMemo, can be helpful.
  2. Choose the right materials: Online courses, textbooks, mobile apps – many possibilities exist. SuperMemo offers online courses designed for people preparing for language exams. Each course uses the spaced repetition method, which guarantees long-lasting retention. You can study both via the mobile app and through the web browser.
  3. Plan your study: Regularity is key. Set up a study schedule, taking into account time for revisions and mock tests. By spreading your study over time, you will avoid stress and better retain new information.
  4. Practice all skills: Language exams assess reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Make sure to train all these aspects. For example, listening to English podcasts can improve your listening comprehension skills.
  5. Mock tests: Solving past exam papers is one of the best ways to familiarize yourself with the exam format. This will also help you identify your weak points that need more work.

What to focus on during study?


Each exam focuses on a specific set of vocabulary. For example, in IELTS, it’s worth focusing on academic vocabulary, while in TOEIC, business expressions are key.


Correct grammar is essential, especially during writing tasks. Regularly practicing grammatical structures, such as conditionals, reported speech, and tenses, is crucial to achieving a good result.

Time management:

Time is of the essence during the exam. Practicing under time pressure will help you manage your time better during the actual test. Use a stopwatch or another method to measure time during your preparation.

Task-solving techniques:

Understanding the exam structure will allow you to develop strategies that will help you achieve a better score. For example, in the IELTS exam, the Listening section requires quickly moving between questions, so it’s worth practicing scanning and predicting answers techniques.

What are the benefits of an English certificate?

Having an international English certificate can bring many benefits:

  • Better job prospects: Employers often require proof of English proficiency. A certificate can be a key asset in the recruitment process.
  • Studying abroad: Most universities in English-speaking countries require a B2 or C1 English certificate. The certificate may also be useful when preparing for an Erasmus exchange or other student exchange programs.
  • Confidence: Having a certificate adds confidence in using the language in various situations. Regular English learning will help you overcome language barriers and use the language freely, both in everyday life and at work.


Now you know that choosing the right certificate and preparing for it is an investment in your future. Whether you are planning to study, change jobs, or emigrate, it is worth carefully considering which exam best suits your goals. With the right tools, such as SuperMemo language courses, you can effectively prepare for any of them. Regular study, mock tests, and focusing on all language skills are the keys to success.

Prepare for language exams with proven SuperMemo courses.



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