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Piotr Wozniak, 1990

This text was taken from P.A.Wozniak, Optimization of learning, Master’s Thesis, University of Technology in Poznan, 1990

I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Zbigniew Kierzkowski for giving me carte blanche for my multidisciplinary research on memory and learning, as well as for his help in initiation of my individual specialization which provided me with a unique chance of tailoring the process of studying to my biological interests.

Special thanks are due to my colleagues who devoted a great deal of their private time to reviewing the manuscript of the thesis. They were (in alphabetical order): Krzysio Bidi Biedalak, Adam Bladam Blazejewski, Przemek Filip Glowacki, Edzio Ego Gorzelanczyk and Janusz Murky Murakowski.

Studying at the University of Technology in Poznan has been particularly pleasant and instructive thanks to young, open-minded and forthcoming group of academic instructors. I would especially like to thank those who contributed to individual tailoring of my curriculum, exams, lectures, laboratory classes etc.

They were (in alphabetical order) Prof.J.Augustyniak (Adam Mickiewicz University), Dr.B.Begier, Dr.M.Bertrandt, Dr.K.Bucholtz, Dr.L.Cichowski, Dr.J.Cybulka, Dr.I.Dabrowska, Dr.Z.Dabrowski, Dr.R.Groszak (Academy of Economics), Dr.Z.Habasinski, Dr.A.Jasiak, Dr.H.Katulski, Dr.J.Kleban, Dr.J.Koperski, Dr.A.Marlewski, Dr.J.Martinek, Dr.J.Nawrocki, Dr.A.Nikish, Dr.J.Nowaczyk, Dr.J.Ozorowski, Dr.T.Pankowski, Dr.A.Portalski, Prof.R.Slowinski, Dr.H.Szuba, Dr.S.Trzcielinski, Prof.W.H.Trzeciak (Medical Academy) and Dr.B.Wolynska