A, an, or the? English Articles in Practice

Before a noun in English, we usually use one of the articles: a, an (indefinite) or the (definite). Their correct use is one of the key elements of smooth communication, so it’s worth learning the rules for using them carefully.

Indefinite Article: a / an

We use the articles a and an:

  • before countable nouns (nouns that can be counted) in the singular form,
  • when we refer to something for the first time (compare with the German indefinite article ein or the French un),
  • when the object is not yet known to the listener.

A or an?

The choice between a / an depends on the pronunciation of the first letter of the word that follows the article:

  • We use a before words that start with a consonant: a university, a hotel, a French worker.
  • We use an before words that start with a vowel sound: an umbrella, an hour, an English worker.

Note! This is not about spelling, but the sound of the first letter. That’s why we say a university, but an hour.

In the plural form, the indefinite article does not appear. Instead, we use some (e.g., I bought some apples).

Definite Article: the

We use the when the noun is already known to the speakers or has been mentioned before. It can be used with both countable and uncountable nouns, in both singular and plural forms.

When do we use the?

  • When mentioning something again:
    I saw a cat in the street. The cat was black.
  • When the object is unique:
    The sun is shining.
  • Before geographical names (e.g., the Alps, the Amazon River, the United States), but not all of them (e.g., Mount Everest, Lake Michigan – without “the”).
  • When something is unique in a given context:
    Could you close the door? – Referring to a specific door.

Note! There are exceptions and situations where the article is omitted, e.g., with proper names (John, Paris), meals (I had breakfast), sports (She plays tennis), or languages (He speaks Spanish).

Exercises and Practice

Mastering the rules of using English articles can be challenging, but the right exercises make it much easier. In the Polski A1. Bez problemu! course, you will find an introduction to the topic of articles, as well as interactive tasks to help you remember when to use which article. Thanks to SuperMemo’s intelligent repetition method, you can effectively reinforce your knowledge and avoid common mistakes.


The articles a, an, and the are essential elements of English grammar. Their correct use facilitates precise communication and helps avoid misunderstandings. If you’re just starting, it’s a good idea to remember a few basic rules and regularly practice their use in context.

Remember: a/an for newly mentioned, singular, and countable nouns, the for those already known or unique. The rest will come with practice!