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AI Assistant in SuperMemo. How to use this feature?

AI Assistant illustration

At SuperMemo, we prioritize innovation and continuously strive to provide better solutions to enhance foreign language learning. That’s why we have introduced the AI Assistant feature, an intelligent helper you can consult without interrupting your study sessions. How can the AI Assistant increase learning effectiveness?

With the new feature in SuperMemo, you can quickly obtain answers to various questions and doubts that may arise during your studies. In this article, we suggest several interesting ways to make the most of our AI Assistant’s help.

What is the AI Assistant in SuperMemo?

The AI Assistant is a chat-based tool that allows you to engage in conversations on topics related to language learning. Its purpose is to assist you in the learning process by answering questions or addressing any doubts that may arise while studying. It can also provide explanations on grammar topics, translate sentences, and much more.

How does the AI Assistant work?

The AI Assistant chat icon appears on presentation pages (where a topic, such as grammar, is described) and in exercises, but only if we have already provided an answer – after clicking on the “Check” button. 

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By clicking on the icon, you can start a conversation with the AI Assistant. Remember, it functions as your personal tutor, so feel free to ask it questions about various language-related challenges and issues. You can access the AI Assistant’s help in the web application at https://learn.supermemo.com/ and in the new Android application.

Tip: The purpose of the AI Assistant is to aid in foreign language learning. If you encounter any issues with the application or have problems with an order, please contact us at support@supermemo.com.

Not sure where to start? Learn some prompts you can use in a conversation with AI Assistant:

1. Explain the error in the task

If you don’t know why the answer was considered incorrect, simply ask the AI Assistant for an explanation. Copy the task content and paste it into the chat box, then ask, “Why is this an error?” or “Why was the answer marked as incorrect?”. This way, you will obtain an explanation regarding grammar, vocabulary, or any other aspect related to the task.

Tip: To separate the task content from the question you want to know the answer to, use the CTRL+Enter shortcut. This will allow you to start writing on a new line without sending the message.

example 1

AI Assistant’s full response:

answer 1

2. Give more examples

While working on certain topics, you may find that the given examples are not sufficient. Maybe you would like to see a particular grammatical construction or a newly learned word in a different context. In such cases, all you need to do is ask the AI Assistant for more examples, for instance, “Can you give me more examples with the word […]”, or “Please provide additional example sentences using the […] tense.”

example 2

AI Assistant’s full response:

“Sure, here are some more examples with the word “algo”:

  • Si tienes algo que decirme, adelante. (If you have something to tell me, go ahead.)
  • ¿Quieres algo de comer? (Do you want something to eat?)
  • Necesito comprar algo para la cena. (I need to buy something for dinner.)
  • ¿Hay algo que pueda hacer por ti? (Is there anything I can do for you?)
  • No tengo nada que hacer, así que voy a hacer algo de ejercicio. (I have nothing to do, so I’m going to do some exercise.)
  • Siempre hay algo nuevo que aprender. (There is always something new to learn.)
  • ¿Te gusta algo en particular de este restaurante? (Do you like anything in particular about this restaurant?)

Tip: The answers you receive may differ from those provided in this article, even if you use the same prompt. This is because the AI Assistant doesn’t have programmed responses but generates them dynamically based on its vast knowledge database.

3. Explain

If you find that a particular topic is described too broadly, you can ask the AI Assistant to discuss it in more detail or using different words. To do this, copy the specific fragment you’re interested in, paste it into the chat box, and add a prompt. For example: “Explain this in other words” or “Elaborate further on this topic.”

example 3

4. Translate

The AI Assistant can also help you with word and sentence translations. To do this, copy or type the text you want to translate into the chat box and add a command such as “Translate this into English.” This way, you will receive a quick response without interrupting your learning process.

example 4

5. Answer the question

This is one of the most general commands, but it will help you clear up a lot of your doubts while studying. Within this command, you can ask about previously covered topics that you want to remind yourself of, such as:

  • Remind me how to greet in French?
  • How many cases are there in German?
example mobile 1

6. Transform a sentence

The AI assistant will also help you with various grammar issues. It can transform an affirmative sentence into a question, create a negation, or change the tense used in the sentence to a different one. To do this, please copy the selected sentence into the chat box and type a question or command, for example: “How to form a negation?” “How will this sentence sound in the […] tense?” “Transform this sentence into a question.”

example mobile 2

The examples we provided for using the AI Assistant’s help are just the beginning! In reality, it all depends on your needs as a SuperMemo user. Try out the new feature and enjoy even more efficient language learning with your private tutor – the AI Assistant.